Weather Station
Weather Station
Wind Speed Sensor[풍속센서, 풍속계]
Weather station 자료 : 해외사이트로 weatherstion 에 분해 및 센서에대하여 설명된 자료
라즈베리파이에 연동 자료 :
- 자료 :
Lesson 1_ Rainfall - Lesson Plan - Sensing the Weather _ Raspberry Pi Learning Resources.pdf
Lesson 1_ Rainfall - Worksheet - Sensing the Weather _ Raspberry Pi Learning Resources.pdf
Lesson 2_ Wind Speed - Lesson Plan - Sensing the Weather _ Raspberry Pi Learning Resources.pdf
Lesson 2_ Wind Speed - Worksheet - Sensing the Weather _ Raspberry Pi Learning Resources.pdf
Lesson 3_ Wind Gust Speed - Lesson Plan - Sensing the Weather _ Raspberry Pi Learning Resources.pdf
Lesson 3_ Wind Gust Speed - Worksheet - Sensing the Weather _ Raspberry Pi Learning Resources.pdf
Lesson 4_ Wind Direction - Lesson Plan - Sensing the Weather _ Raspberry Pi Learning Resources.pdf
Lesson 4_ Wind Direction - Worksheet - Sensing the Weather _ Raspberry Pi Learning Resources.pdf
Lesson 5_ Soil Temperature - Lesson Plan - Sensing the Weather _ Raspberry Pi Learning Resources.pdf
Lesson 5_ Soil Temperature - Worksheet - Sensing the Weather _ Raspberry Pi Learning Resources.pdf
Lesson 7_ Relative Humidity - Worksheet - Sensing the Weather _ Raspberry Pi Learning Resources.pdf
Lesson 8_ Air Quality - Lesson Plan - Sensing the Weather _ Raspberry Pi Learning Resources.pdf
Lesson 8_ Air Quality - Worksheet - Sensing the Weather _ Raspberry Pi Learning Resources.pdf
Sensing the Weather air quality sensor_ Raspberry Pi Learning Resources.pdf
Sensing the Weather ambient temperature sensor_ Raspberry Pi Learning Resources.pdf
Sensing the Weather anemometer _ Raspberry Pi Learning Resources.pdf
Sensing the Weather anemometer01 _ Raspberry Pi Learning Resources.pdf
Sensing the Weather barometric pressure sensor_ Raspberry Pi Learning Resources.pdf
Sensing the Weather rain gauge _ Raspberry Pi Learning Resources.pdf
Sensing the Weather relative humidity sensor_ Raspberry Pi Learning Resources.pdf
Sensing the Weather soil temperature sensor_ Raspberry Pi Learning Resources.pdf
Sensing the Weather wind vane _ Raspberry Pi Learning Resources.pdf
Raspberrypi Projects : Make an Initial State dashboard for weather data